Monday, August 31, 2009

Week 2 Day 1

After Friday I was really sore. Today I did Day 1 of Week 2. It wasn't bad at all. Although doing situps with 3 animals in the house sucks. Everytime I raised up the dog was standing there trying to give me "kisses." Haha. The hubby already wussed out and hasn't done it since Day 1. His excuse is that I didn't do it with him. Whatev.

Fruit Pizza

I made this for our preschool graduation/end of year ceremony this weekend. It's a combo of a recipe my mother in law had and one I found online:

1 Package sugar cookie dough (the cook and bake kind)
1/3 cup powdered sugar
1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
1 Pkg Cream Cheese
Various fruit (blueberries, banana slices, strawberries, kiwi, cherries, etc)

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Spread the cookie dough flat on a baking sheet. Cook 10-12 minutes or until golden brown. Remove from oven and allow to cool.

Mix cream cheese (at room temperature or warm in the microwave), sugar, and vanilla in a bowl until smooth. Spread on the cookie dough. Garnish with various fruits. Slice. Enjoy!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Days 2 & 3

I actually did days 2 and 3 both today. I was sick on Wednesday and yesterday was super busy so I didn't get to make it up then. I wish it worked my lower abs, but hopefully it was tone up the top of my abs. Days 2 and 3 weren't that bad.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Day 1 of 200 Situps

So I've decided that I don't particularly care if people say the 200 situps isn't a good ab workout. Yes I am aware that it only works 1 section of my abs, however I won't stick with any workout video so I'll do what I can.

I started out on week 1, column 3. From the initial test it said I could jump right to week 3, but I didn't want to..haha plain and simple. So I did day 1, easy breezy. I almost didn't do it, but at 9pm I did! I also walked 3 miles today, pushing a 30 pound child in a jogging stroller. Go Me!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

200 Sit Ups

So I saw this posted on a message board on and DH and I are going to do it. It's . I've been walking 3 miles a day at least 4 days a week now so I think this will be a good addition. It's a M/W/F thing and I plan to stick with it. I'll check in each week here. Maybe someone will actually read it and hopefully it will be my motivation. I really need the workout on my abs.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Breakfast in bed

My wonderful husband made me breakfast in bed this morning. It was only after I suggested it however. I had yummy french toast with fresh strawberries. However we were almost out of syrup so it was a little dry. Not his fault though.

Today my wonderful dog is 9 years old. We've had her since she was like 4 months old and she is defintely my baby. Last night I made her some doggie icecream and I'm waiting for it to thaw a little so it'll slide out of the cup. She's sooo spoiled.

Doggie Ice Cream Recipe (idk where I originally got it)
32 ounces vanilla yogurt
1 mashed banana
2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 tablespoons honey
Blend all together in food processor or blender and freeze in either 3 ounce paper cups or ice cube trays

Thursday, August 13, 2009

This new job...

This new job is kicking my butt. I'd gotten use to being off for 6 weeks and for the 4 months before that I was working half days. Now 9 hours a day is killing me. I am suppose to be done by 12 or 1 on Friday's, but tomorrow isn't looking like that is going to happen. The outgoing nanny made it sound like they told her I was going to be working until 5 on Friday's too....she gets off at noon. I mean the overtime is nice to have, but I need to get to the bank and grocery store tomorrow. Last night I went to bed at 9pm and it is looking like that will happen again tonight.

We are going camping this weekend. I have no urge to go because it is suppose to rain and be 90 degrees. Brent refuses to wait until next weekend when it is suppose to be cooler. We are going to Carolina Beach which should be nice, but ughhhhhhhh hot and sticky.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

I won!

The contest that I blogged about! Of course I don't have a little one yet, but hopefully next year. This is the one we want: . Dh and I are both Irish and he is very "into" it.

In other news....I start my new nanny job on Monday. It's Saturday night and I'm a basket case. I know I'll be fine, I just hope I'm not horribly unhappy. I haven't worked fulltime since the beginning of March and I'm spoiled now.

I also see that I have 2 new blog followers haha! Maybe I'm not writing this in vain. Now if only my family would start reading it!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I wish I had followers and Recipe

I wish I had some more followers for my blog haha. Although writing sometimes helps me think things out...I see that everyone else has like 50+ followers and I have 3. I don't want to go beg people to read my blog however and I know it isn't very exciting.

This is what we had for dinner last night. I don't remember who I got the original recipe from. I also added some fire grilled green chilis to it and used brown rice instead of white.

Mexican Chicken
1 can Mexican style Rotel
chicken breasts or strips ( I only use boneless, skinless)
White rice
Shredded Cheese ( I use colby jack)
Put butter, chicken, & mexican rotel in a skillet. Cook, covered, over med heat, until done.
Cook rice according to package.
When everything is done layer rice, cheese, then chicken with rotel tomatoes & peppers.